Does the early bird really catch the worm—and get the promotions, raises and employee productivity rewards? If you’re an early riser, you get it. If you’re not—and we’re not all wired for zero-dark-thirty risings—there’s no pleasure in hearing that famous line, “I get more done by 9 a.m. than most people do all day.” When you have access to an online project management tool, the office is always open. Still, LiquidPlanner believes in work-life balance. But if there’s some truth to the productivity of early-risers, we want a piece of it.
Here’s a list of articles that give us insight into why and how the early-rising trick works, as well as some tips on how to get cracking earlier. Plus a little something for the midnight oil burners.
Why Productive People Get Up Insanely Early
We’ve all heard about the glorious lack of distractions in the early morning hours. But this Fast Company article addresses a fun surprise—discovering your deprivation.
The One-Step Plan for Super Productivity
This Behance’s 99U article features six steps for creative types who want to wake up earlier and get to work. According to Hemingway, early mornings “allow you if you to coast through the rest of your day with a sense of achievement and significantly less anxiety.”
Working flextime? Bosses prefer early birds to night owls
This University of Washington Foster School of Business article explores a study that reveals a manager bias for employees who show up at work on the early side. Perception or reality?
The Power of Mornings: Why Successful Entrepreneurs Get up Early
Read up on some early-rising benefits (more will power) and tips (use your imagination) in this Entrepreneur article.
Night Owls and Early Risers Have Different Brain Structures
Do you know your chronotype? This Huffington Post article explores the facts behind why we all hit our strides at different times of the day—or night.
Why You’re Not a Morning Person and How to Become One
What “I’m too tired” really means, plus and action plan for gradually getting up earlier in the morning, from Lifehacker.
How to Become a Highly Productive Night Owl
For those of you devoted to the evening hours, this LIfehacker articles offers effective strategies for being the kind of late riser who gets things done.
How to Change a Habit: On Becoming a Morning Person
Charles Seybold, LiquidPlanner’s Co-founder and Chief Product Officer writes in the LP blog about how his commute inspired him to shift his working hours. One of the secret helpers: Snacks.
Over-rated or worthwhile? Tell us what you think about these early-rising theories.